The Tattooed Poets Project: Debbie Kirk

I always like to finish up the Tattooed Poets Project on a strong note, so today's tattooed poet, the last of this year's series, is the heavily-tattooed poet Debbie Kirk.

It also happens to be Debbie's birthday today, as we check out one of her tattoos. More specifically, let's look at the top of her left arm:

This piece, complete with straight razor, brass knuckles and cherry bomb, bears a banner that proclaims "Bow to your elders, you Emo Fucks."

I mean, what more can I say about that?

In discussing which tattoo of Debbie's to use, this exchange took place:

Tattoosday: "I hesitate to use the emo one because of the language and because I'm sure people will not understand why you would get it, but that makes me want to use it more".

Debbie: "its a favorite with has been declared the sexiest tattoo ever..."

Tattoosday: "I love tattoos but they are generally so benign nowadays, so it's nice to see one with a true fuck-all attitude."

Debbie: "Yeah, that defines me what you said right there....and why I got the tattoo. I think that single tattoo is the most ME. I can be a bit honest...which is why people like my poetry."

Where'd she get the tattoo? Debbie recalls " I just remember I got it in Venice 5 years ago from a girl who proposed to me when I told her my idea...I still tell that story. I KNEW it was good with that reaction and she was hot."
Debbie gave us several poems to choose from, and the one we selected, she says, is very representative of her work:

Little Frankenstein girl
Little Frankenstein girl
has the hands of a pianist
And the heart of a broken organ
With thorns, glass
Bats and Indian ink
Seeping thro…
Sewn together
Crookedly stitched
Like a pastel valentine heart
Filled with mismatched parts

Little Frankenstein girl
Has the right brain of a killer
Her right hand is dominant
While her left foot always faces away
Wanting to disconnect
To run
To be free

To not be part of this
Fucked up experiment
Dreamt up by
A genius dressed in rags
And chased by demons
The kind that really scratch and bite
When you are fast asleep

Little Frankenstein girl
Is not a little girl anymore
The curls in her hair
Dreaded up in the sun
Medusa in the wind

Her loud strong voice
Muffled under the stitches
That firmly binds her lips together
Bondage bringing pleasure
Only to those who wish
To keep her silent
(and they are many)

The little Frankenstein girl
Can’t count the stitches on her wrists
From all of those nights
With her right hand doing
What her left foot
Wanted to walk away from
And her not understanding
That she was never really alive
In the first place

Little Frankenstein girl
All mixed up
Mix matched
Returning every evening
With fresh wounds to be sewn
From another vain attempt
To be mortal for just a few seconds
Before the fall

Little Frankenstein girl
Stolen parts
Come with stolen lies
Maggots and flies.
The gravedigger, looking to make a buck
Steals her a kiss
The moistness quenches her lips
He promises more kisses tomorrow
She scurries home
Knowing full well
She’s damned to a life of stolen kisses
And malfunctioning hearts
that spit in the moonlight.

~ ~ ~
Debbie Kirk has published 6 chapbooks and been in 12 anthologies and hundreds of print and online zines. She lives in Santa Cruz with her dog Dr. Gonzo.  She has a website she rarely updates at but she can be best located lurking around Facebook!  Also check out

Thanks to Debbie for sharing her tattoo and poetry with us here as we close out the Tattooed Poets Project on Tattoosday. Also, we wish her a very happy birthday today!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday. The poem is reprinted here with the permission of the author.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011 , , , 0 comments

The Tattooed Poets Project: Debbie Kirk

I always like to finish up the Tattooed Poets Project on a strong note, so today's tattooed poet, the last of this year's series, is the heavily-tattooed poet Debbie Kirk.

It also happens to be Debbie's birthday today, as we check out one of her tattoos. More specifically, let's look at the top of her left arm:

This piece, complete with straight razor, brass knuckles and cherry bomb, bears a banner that proclaims "Bow to your elders, you Emo Fucks."

I mean, what more can I say about that?

In discussing which tattoo of Debbie's to use, this exchange took place:

Tattoosday: "I hesitate to use the emo one because of the language and because I'm sure people will not understand why you would get it, but that makes me want to use it more".

Debbie: "its a favorite with has been declared the sexiest tattoo ever..."

Tattoosday: "I love tattoos but they are generally so benign nowadays, so it's nice to see one with a true fuck-all attitude."

Debbie: "Yeah, that defines me what you said right there....and why I got the tattoo. I think that single tattoo is the most ME. I can be a bit honest...which is why people like my poetry."

Where'd she get the tattoo? Debbie recalls " I just remember I got it in Venice 5 years ago from a girl who proposed to me when I told her my idea...I still tell that story. I KNEW it was good with that reaction and she was hot."
Debbie gave us several poems to choose from, and the one we selected, she says, is very representative of her work:

Little Frankenstein girl
Little Frankenstein girl
has the hands of a pianist
And the heart of a broken organ
With thorns, glass
Bats and Indian ink
Seeping thro…
Sewn together
Crookedly stitched
Like a pastel valentine heart
Filled with mismatched parts

Little Frankenstein girl
Has the right brain of a killer
Her right hand is dominant
While her left foot always faces away
Wanting to disconnect
To run
To be free

To not be part of this
Fucked up experiment
Dreamt up by
A genius dressed in rags
And chased by demons
The kind that really scratch and bite
When you are fast asleep

Little Frankenstein girl
Is not a little girl anymore
The curls in her hair
Dreaded up in the sun
Medusa in the wind

Her loud strong voice
Muffled under the stitches
That firmly binds her lips together
Bondage bringing pleasure
Only to those who wish
To keep her silent
(and they are many)

The little Frankenstein girl
Can’t count the stitches on her wrists
From all of those nights
With her right hand doing
What her left foot
Wanted to walk away from
And her not understanding
That she was never really alive
In the first place

Little Frankenstein girl
All mixed up
Mix matched
Returning every evening
With fresh wounds to be sewn
From another vain attempt
To be mortal for just a few seconds
Before the fall

Little Frankenstein girl
Stolen parts
Come with stolen lies
Maggots and flies.
The gravedigger, looking to make a buck
Steals her a kiss
The moistness quenches her lips
He promises more kisses tomorrow
She scurries home
Knowing full well
She’s damned to a life of stolen kisses
And malfunctioning hearts
that spit in the moonlight.

~ ~ ~
Debbie Kirk has published 6 chapbooks and been in 12 anthologies and hundreds of print and online zines. She lives in Santa Cruz with her dog Dr. Gonzo.  She has a website she rarely updates at but she can be best located lurking around Facebook!  Also check out

Thanks to Debbie for sharing her tattoo and poetry with us here as we close out the Tattooed Poets Project on Tattoosday. Also, we wish her a very happy birthday today!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday. The poem is reprinted here with the permission of the author.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011 , , , 0 comments

Jennifer Aniston, successes with Just Go with It

The new one of 2011 Jennifer Aniston' greatest commercial successes is Just Go with It.

Jennifer Aniston plays in 2011 film Just Go with It as Katherine Palmer

Just Go with It is a 2011 romantic comedy film starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. The film was released on February 11, 2011, Aniston's 42nd birthday.

Just Go with It film is based on the 1969 film, Cactus Flower, which was adapted from an earlier Broadway stage play, written by Abe Burrows, which in turn was based upon the French play Fleur de cactus.

Jennifer Aniston

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Saturday, April 30, 2011 0 comments

Tattoo Society Magazine - Mastering the art of Black and Gray

Tattoo Society Magazine - Mastering the art of Black and Gray
Tattoo Society Magazine - Mastering the art of Black and Gray

Tattoo Society Magazine (Mastering the art of Black & Gray, Issue 22) [Single Issue Magazine]
Tattoo Society Magazine (Mastering the art of Black & Gray, Issue 22)
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Japan's Tattoo Arts: Horiyoshi's World Vol. 1

Japan's Tattoo Arts: Horiyoshi's World Vol. 1

Japan's Tattoo Arts: Horiyoshi's World Vol. 1

This review is from: Japan's Tattoo Arts: Horiyoshi's World Vol. 1 (in Japanese & English) (Paperback)
Having read, and viewed many a tattoo magazine and book, as well as collecting many a tattoo of my own, it is hard to find a good book of tattoos that shows this many true masterpieces. This book has over 175 pages of beautiful bodysuits. Thinking of beginning a bodysuit? This is the place to begin.
Japan's Tattoo Arts: Horiyoshi's World Vol. 1 (in Japanese & English)
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Tattoo Society Magazine - Limited edition a Nightmare Special

Tattoo Society Magazine - Limited edition a Nightmare Special
Tattoo Society Magazine - Limited edition a Nightmare Special

Tattoo Society Magazine (Limited edition a Nightmare Special, Issue 24 2010)
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Revolver Magazine - The Tattoo Issue - The Bloody History of Hard Rock & Heavy Ink

Revolver Magazine - The Tattoo Issue - The Bloody History of Hard Rock & Heavy Ink

This review is from: Revolver Magazine (March/April 2010) (The Tattoo Issue! The Bloody History of Hard Rock & Heavy Ink! Slayer; Ozzy; Henry Rollins; Slipknot; Motorhead) (Single Issue Magazine)
This is a must have for your ink inspired collection. I collect anything & everything Henry (as in Rollins; God of the Spoken Word), & that's how I stumbled apon this gem. It's worth the price in pics alone, but the insightful articles & interviews will make you happy you discovered it.
Revolver Magazine (March/April 2010) (The Tattoo Issue! The Bloody History of Hard Rock & Heavy Ink! Slayer; Ozzy; Henry Rollins; Slipknot; Motorhead)
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Juxtapoz Tattoo - Henry Lewis, Roger Gastman

Juxtapoz Tattoo - Henry Lewis, Roger Gastman

Juxtapoz Tattoo - Henry Lewis, Roger Gastman

Product Description
The second book in an ongoing series from the seminal West Coast art and culture magazine, Juxtapoz Tattoo focuses on a subject very dear to the inked hearts of its readers. Most of the featured artists came up at the beginning of Tattoo s modern renaissance in the mid 1990 s, hungry for a new approach, but steeped nonetheless in the traditions of their craft. Whether these gifted tattooists are creating a modern twist on a classic archetype, or pushing the boundaries of the future primitives aesthetic, innovation is the common goal. Featured tattooists include; Troy Penning, Alex McWatt, Brian Randolph and Chris O Donnell of New York Adorned, Scott Campbell, Daniel Trocchio, Steve Boltz, Bert Krak, Henry Lewis, Joseph Ari Aloi, Jason Schroder, Eli Quinters and more.
Juxtapoz Tattoo
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Tattoo Society Magazine Issue Number 25 - Good Art for Great Artists

Tattoo Society Magazine Issue Number 25 - Good Art for Great Artists

Tattoo Society Magazine Issue Number 25 - Good Art for Great Artists
Tattoo Society Magazine Issue Number 25 - Good Art for Great Artists
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art (Rolling Stone Magazine)

Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art (Rolling Stone Magazine)

Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art (Rolling Stone Magazine)
From Publishers Weekly
Popularized by sailors and bikers, tattoos have become indispensable fashion accessories for rockers and rappers, whose professional responsibility it is to embody exotic, outlaw primitivism to the public. Hence this coffee-table collection of photographs of tattooed celebrities culled from the pages of Rolling Stone. The portraits here, by famous celebrity and fashion photographers, are heavily weighted toward sleeveless, scowling male musicians, whose remarkably consistent tattoo tastes run to a comic book aesthetic of gothic lettering, deaths heads, dragons and babes (until they age and begin inscribing wives' and childrens' names into their flesh). Accompanying interviews and captions allow the subjects to pontificate on the personal significance of their tattoos ("Weed was the biggest part of my life at that point," muses Crazytown's Shifty Shellshock of his marijuana-leaf tattoo). While fans of the celebrities pictured here will swoon over the lush photos, the book fails to make the case for tattoos as real works of art capable of signifying something to onlookers as well as to their owners.

Product Description
Tattoos, rock and roll, and "Rolling Stone"--the ideal combination for the ultimate book on celebrities and their tattoos. "Tattoo Nation" features 100 candid and never-before seen photos and revealing interviews that chronicle the gradual emergence of this evocative art form into mainstream society via pop-culture icons.
Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art (Rolling Stone Magazine)
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Ink: The Not-Just-Skin-Deep Guide to Getting a Tattoo

Ink: The Not-Just-Skin-Deep Guide to Getting a Tattoo

Ink: The Not-Just-Skin-Deep Guide to Getting a Tattoo
Ink: The Not-Just-Skin-Deep Guide to Getting a Tattoo
... must-have for every tattoo shop … great recommendation to give to those thinking of beginning their body art journey. -- Tattoo Magazine, July, 2005
Product Description
For anyone who's considered joining the tribe of the tattooed.

This fun, fact-filled, fascinating guide includes information on choosing the perfect tattoo, finding a tattoo artist, staying health-conscious, long-term effects, and much more.
Ink: The Not-Just-Skin-Deep Guide to Getting a Tattoo
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Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

  Danna Garcia

Birth Name : Danna Maria Garcia Osuna
Nickname : Dannita
Height : 5' 1" (1.55 m)
Trivia :Her mother was a famous singer in Colombia, Claudia Osuna.She speaks English, German and French.She's got one brother and one sister.She's got a contract with the famous firms Garnier and Maybelline New York.She lived in Germany for a few years.In 1996, she became the first Colombian to do a soap opera in Mexico for the Tv Azteca Channel.She studies Social Comunication and Companies's Administration.She loves clothes of Dolce y Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli and Alberta Ferreti and the shoes of Giussepe Zannoti.She owns houses in Miami, Bogota, Mexico and Los Angeles.She studied theatre in the "Teatro Nacional de Colombia".Won in 2004, the "Canal caracol" Awards for best leading actress in the Colombian soap opera "Pasion de Gavilanes".Won in 2004, the "Orquidea" Awards for her work in the Colombian soap opera "Pasion de Gavilanes". This award was for her and Paola Rey and Natasha Klauss, both actresses in the soa
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Friday, April 29, 2011 , 0 comments

Prom Short Hairstyles

Prom Short Hairstyles

The number-one rule for prom is you gotta look good, preferably sexy. And to look good, you have to get the hair and prom makeup right. We've handpicked hundreds of hairstyles for 2011 that aren't ugly, dated or wrong, wrong, wrong (tiaras, anyone? Leave that for the prom queen).

Most Popular Prom Hairstyles Trends for 2011
This year, prom is all about a relaxed, casual look. Prim updos have been replaced by long waves pinned back, braids, twists, romantic, soft updos and messy buns.
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Friday, April 29, 2011 , , , , , , , 0 comments

Prom Short Hairstyles

Prom Short Hairstyles

The number-one rule for prom is you gotta look good, preferably sexy. And to look good, you have to get the hair and prom makeup right. We've handpicked hundreds of hairstyles for 2011 that aren't ugly, dated or wrong, wrong, wrong (tiaras, anyone? Leave that for the prom queen).

Most Popular Prom Hairstyles Trends for 2011
This year, prom is all about a relaxed, casual look. Prim updos have been replaced by long waves pinned back, braids, twists, romantic, soft updos and messy buns.
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Friday, April 29, 2011 , , , , , , , 0 comments

Prom Short Hairstyles

Prom Short Hairstyles

The number-one rule for prom is you gotta look good, preferably sexy. And to look good, you have to get the hair and prom makeup right. We've handpicked hundreds of hairstyles for 2011 that aren't ugly, dated or wrong, wrong, wrong (tiaras, anyone? Leave that for the prom queen).

Most Popular Prom Hairstyles Trends for 2011
This year, prom is all about a relaxed, casual look. Prim updos have been replaced by long waves pinned back, braids, twists, romantic, soft updos and messy buns.
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Friday, April 29, 2011 , , , , , , , 0 comments