Trend hairstyle girls punk 2010 – 2011

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Friday, September 9, 2011 0 comments

Trend hairstyle girls tomboy 2010 – 2011

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Friday, September 9, 2011 0 comments

Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit

1. Download Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Install dan Buka “Cheat Engine.exe” atau “Cheat Engine”
3. Login Facebook dari Opera (bukan Mozilla atau Google Chrome dll. ya ),
4. Buka kembali Cheat Engine (CE) lalu “Value Type” nya ganti menjadi “Array Of Bytes”, Lalu Centang “Also Scan Read-Only Memory”

5. Centang Hex dan Isi dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?, Lalu Klik First Scan
6. Setelah Muncul 2 Adress di bagian Kiri, Double Klik satu per satu adress nya,
di bagian bawah ada 2 daftar setelah di double klik satu per satu adress nya
7. Setelah itu Klik kanan di salah satu dari 2 daftar/baris, lalu ke Change Record, lalu klik Value,
pasti agan menemukan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?,
Delete Adress yang ada di atas lalu ganti dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
8. Klik Play Untuk Masuk Ninja Saga, lalu testing dengan menjalankan Misi, bisa di buktikan
dengan Jurus misal dah level 7 ke atas bisa puluhan ribu, dengan jurus misal dah level 30-an dah ratusan ribu kenanya
Download Cheat Engine
NB : Ini hanya bekerja dengan Jurus, bukan Attack atau taijutsu
100 % working sampe skrng
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru

Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru. Ninja Saga merupakan permainan Facebook yang banyak diminati oleh Facebooker asal Indonesia. Dan banyak juga pemain Ninja Saga yang menginginkan selalu menang dalam permainannya. Kamu memerlukan cheat token untuk dapat terus-terusan mengakali permainan. Berikut ini merupakan Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru untuk membantu permainan Ninja Saga kamu lebih baik. Yang dibutuhkan:
Langkah Cheat Token Ninja Saga Terbaru:
  1. Buka Cheat engine 5.6
  2. Mainkan Ninja Saga
  3. Pergi ke Akademi dan Klik pada keterampilan yang telah “Training Time – Instant”
  4. Dalam CE, Aktifkan Speedhack dan nilai yang ditetapkan untuk “0?
  5. Klik tombol “BUY” 3 kali
  6. Sekarang klik pada keterampilan yang Anda ingin belajar (keterampilan yang memerlukan Token untuk belajar).
  7. Ubah Speedhack kembali ke “1?
  8. Sekarang pergi ke ARENA dan Tantangan Anda teman dan melawan mereka untuk menyimpan permainan
  9. Refresh permainan dan Anda masih memiliki Skill Token
  10. Ulangi untuk memperoleh semua keterampilan Token Anda inginkan.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Cheat Ninja Saga (Tambah Duit & Naik Level)

Dari kemaren banyak banget yang minta cheatnya Ninja Saga. Ni dah gw kasih salah satu cara ngehack duit dan naik level di Ninja Saga. Terbukti berhasil terus ni gan…..
Tips nge CHEAT duit
  1. Buka dan download Cheat Engine Endropedia
  2. Buka “Processing List”, trus klik Firefox.exe
  3. Buka account Ninja saga
  4. Dah dibuka, lalu pergi ke shop
  5. Trus tulisin Gold yang kamu punya di kolom value. klik “New Scan”/First Scan
  6. Klik “First Scan”.tungguin sampai selesai..
  7. selesai scan, Lo pilih (klik2x) address paling atas

     8. Abis itu beli smoke bomb.
     9. Trus tulis value yang kamu punya sesudah beli smoke bomb di kolom value yang tadi.
   10. [Ex : sebelum bli 400, diganti jadi 390], Trus klik “Next Scan”
   11.ada address yg muncul, trus klik 2x..
   12. Terakhir, klik 2x value yang d (dibagian bawah aplikasi) dan ubah menjadi nilai gold yg kamu inginkan    yang inginkan. beli smoke bomb lagi, dan liat aja gold mu dah berubah. :D

NB: pas liat di ninja saganya Cheat ini ada larangan bisa akan menghapus karakter kamu (suspend), tapi saya coba tidak ada masalah tuh.
- cheat uang ini lancar dipake buat beli item-item, kalau mau beli jurus, disaranin pake ‘IP PROTECTOR’ biar gak page load error
-uang yang dicheat harus di belanjain saat itu juga, cz kalo udah keluar dari game uang nya balik lagi ke asal.
Tips Nge CHEAT level
1. Buka account Ninja Saga Anda.
2. Buka cheat engine 5.5  dan pilih Brower yang anda gunakan. (contoh:. Firefox)
3. Cek jenis nilai pada 8bytes dan cek ascrom
4. Pada kotak hex, masukkan kode 3B0008C25B5E0689 ini dan tekan first scan.
5. Anda akan mendapatkan 4-2 address, klik kanan di bottom address dan Disassemble kemudian klik kanan lagi “Toggle breakpoint”
6. Kembali ke account Ninja Saga, pilih karakter Anda dan kemudian klik “Play”
7. Akan membeku karena breakpoint yang telah Anda tentukan.
8. Klik “Debug & Run (atau tekan F9 untuk jalan pintas)
9. Ulangi prosedur 8
10. Pada panel Registry, Anda akan melihat garis merah “EAX xxxxxx”
11. Klik dan ia akan meminta Anda untuk memasukkan address baru, jadi Anda menyisipkan “FF011B8A” ke dalamnya (JIKA ANDA INGIN TINGKAT 19 HANYA PASTE “11A6C”)
12. Sekarang klik kanan di address dan klik “Toggle breakpoint” lagi untuk menghapus breakpoint.
13. Klik “Debug & Run
14. Sekarang kembali ke Ninja Saga. Tunggu reload dulu dan level Anda sudah 336.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Boss Terbaru 2011

Gacon45 Setelah lama mensearch ternyata Gacon45 kemaren nemu cheat Ninja Saga yang baru, memang sich cuma bisa buat ngalahin boss ga kaya cheat 1 hitt kill yang waktu ini yg paling ampuh tapi sedikit mengobati rasa kesal mengalahkan boss hahah. langsung saja disimak gan,

Alat dan Bahan :

1) Cheat Engine [Download]

2) Browser (Mozzila atau Flock)

Langkah Kerja :

1) Buka aplikasi ninjasaga di facebook

2) Pilih char dan di PLAY

3) Masuk ke Hunting House , ga perlu rekrut friend segal haha :D , Carilah Boss yang kalian mau kalahkan
4) Setelah Memilih Boss dan bertarung dengannya,biarkan Boss menyerang char kalian 1 kali
4) Its Time to show, Install dan Jalankan Cheat Engine 5.6
5) Pilih browser kalian(Mozzila atau Flock)
6) Kemudian ganti Value-nya menjadi 8 bytes dan Scan Jumlah darah/Hp
Bosssesuai Boss yang kalian hadapi
Daftar HP Boss

* (7293 – ginkotsu)
* (12760 – shikigami yanki)
* (27950 – gedo sessho seki)
* (12052 – wind tengu] dan
* (15819 – fire tengu)
* (75816 – byakko)
* (90720 - Ape King)
* (132800 – battle turtle)

7) Masukan jumlah HP Boss pada kolom Isian lalu First Scan
8) Kalo terdapat banyak address kalian serang dulu Boss nya lalu kurangi jumlahHP Boss dengan Jumlah demage char tadi
9) Lalu cari skali lagi dengan jumlah yang telah dikurangi lalu Next Scan
10) Double Click supaya alamat pindah kebawa lalu ubah value menjadi "0"
11) Kemalai Ke NS serang Boss maka liahat yang terjadi
12) Boss telah kalah.haha :D
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Ramadan Kareem Beautiful Wallpapers

What Is Ramadan;

Ramzan is the ninth month according to Islamic Lunar calendar. Ramzan (written as Ramadan) is derived from the Arabic root word ‘ramida’ or ‘arramad’ that means intense scorching heat and dryness, especially of the ground. Ramadan is so called to indicate the heating sensation in the stomach as a result of thirst. Others said it is so called because Ramadan scorches out the sins as it burns the ground. Some said it is so called because the hearts and souls are more readily receptive to the admonition and remembrance of Allah during Ramadan, as the sand and stones are receptive to the sun’s heat.

Ramadan begins after the month of Shaban, after the new moon has been sighted. In case new moon is not sighted then after 30 days of Shaban, Ramadan begins. The month of Ramadan lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the sighting of the moon. If the moon is sighted on the night of 29th fast then the month of Shawwal begins from tomorrow and Ramadan is over. The 1st of Shawwal is the Eid also know as Eid-ul-fitr to distinguish it from Eid-ul-azha (Bakri Eid).

Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. The Quran clearly says “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and rightousness” – Al Baqarah, 2:183. Fasting is to be done by all able bodied men and women and children who have reached puberty. If a person is sick or has some medical reason or if a women is pregnant then they are waived from fasting.

During Ramadan the people who fast are not allowed to eat or drink anything (including water) from dawn to after sunset. Also one has to restrain other body parts, which may render the fast worthless despite the main factor of hunger and thirst; so the tongue,
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Girl cricketers win Brighton tournament

The girls' senior cricket team maintained their unbeaten run on Sunday by winning the first ever independent schools girls' cricket festival hosted by Brighton College.

The novel format of the competition involved teams of eight playing eight over matches with bowlers limited to two overs each and batsmen required to retire once they reached 25 runs. The boundaries were small and fielding had to be excellent to secure a win.

In their first match against Wellington College, Epsom won the toss and decided put Wellington into bat. Suzie Blunt took a wicket with the first ball of the match and Alice Davidson-Richards took a late caught and bowled as Wellington were restricted to 64-2 in their eight overs.

In reply, Epsom reached the target of 65 runs for the loss of one wicket with an over to spare to win by 7 wickets. Natalie Sciver top scored with 23 not out and was well supported by Davidson-Richards with 15 and Emma Albon on 7 not out.

In the second match, hosts Brighton College, one of the top schools in the country for girls' cricket, won the toss and opted to bat. Outstanding fielding by all the Epsom players kept the run rate down and Brighton finished on 66-2. Sciver was the pick of the bowlers, bagging a wicket and a run out. 
In their innings, Epsom managed to score 67-0 to win by 8 wickets in only 5 overs and one ball. Davidson-Richards scored an electric 26, including 4 fours and a six, before retiring and Sciver hit 5 fours in an unbeaten 24.
The final match saw Epsom pitched against local rivals Cranleigh with victory certain to secure the tournament title. Cranleigh batted first and scored 68-4, with Wendy Sun, Davidson-Richards and Sciver taking a wicket each and Carina Lindberg getting a run out.
With a target of 69 for victory, the Epsom girls set about the task aggressively. Sciver raced to 28 before retiring and with the score on 64 and her own total on 21, Davidson-Richards hit an enormous 6 on the leg side to take Epsom to an 8 wicket victory in just 5 overs.

These latest victories mean that the College's girls' cricket teams have won six matches out of six this season and Epsom is the first name on the Brighton tournament shield.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 0 comments

Trendy Hairstyles for Men

Trendy Hairstyles for Men,One of the most style conscious habits in men and women today, is to style their hair to go with their fashion statements. Men, however, are more conscious about their haircut styles and ideas than women and try their level best to come up with trendy hairstyles. 

Short trendy hairstyles for men are hugely catching on. Short trendy hairstyles for men can be sported at casual parties or even formal dos.
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Monday, August 1, 2011 , , , , , 0 comments

Trendy Hairstyles for Women

The shag is a very trendy hairstyle that many women have sported. The shag allows easy changes for quick beautiful looks. With many variations, the shag allows for little differences in the ends with curls, waves, and other little changes. 

Another great hairstyle trend is the versatile cut that allows many different looks. The versatile cut allows bobs, curls, different length ends as well. Hairstyles like Barbara Walters are some of the trendiest styles for this type.
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Monday, August 1, 2011 , , , , , , , 0 comments

Small Business Plans Bebo Stylish And Amazing Photographs

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Monday, August 1, 2011 0 comments